Friday, February 5, 2010


"Life is full of surprises, some will say life is full of shit or life sucks and some will say life is beautiful or life is awesome, but life is what you get or what you want and life is how you make or how life makes you. Sorry to say but I am not here to solve a problem of your life neither to tell you how to live your life I am here just to make you feel what life is all about. Life is about you and how you treat it. You like it or hate it remember u will make it. Life is you so be careful how you live it."
Life is full of twist and unusual turns. Ups and downs are the words which in true sense give meaning to life. Life is never so easy I am not saying this by considering only me (maybe I had faced more ups and downs in life) but here I am considering everyone (from richest person in the country to roadside beggar). Life gives equal opportunity to all, to make remarkable character but sometimes we all don't understand when opportunity strikes and we blame our life for not giving one reason to be happy.
Life is like an evening which will not be the same what it is today. It changes every minute in fact every second (Considering second will be much better). Life is like string of guitar if someone plays, it makes a melody or else it will remain soundless in which no one is interested. I have heard people try to live life without love but I don't think which is possible I know even impossible says that I'm possible. But imagine a life without love I can say that it feels like sky without a sun or man without a breath or tea without sugar. I guess no one can live without love (here I mean love for maa, paa, sisters, brothers, friends....)
Some people face n' number of problems but still they come out of it and enjoy their life because they know the real meaning of life and some just give up in first hurdle itself. It does not mean they are cowards but they don't have helping hand which everyone requires. So here is learning for everyone one should always give helping hand who knows one day we will require. Above all my life has taught me that the best thing in life is to love people. Everyone should always try to be a better friend, better son, brother or sister......